injection molding service

Advanced ceramics are used across multiple industries and for a wide range of applications. Components made from these materials have become widespread due to  their favorable characteristics that suit the diverging needs of different industries. Combining one of the types of advanced ceramics with the manufacturing process through an injection molding service professionals are able to receive custom components per their specific demands.

What are the most important characteristics of advanced ceramics?

There are many characteristics of advanced ceramics that are required for different applications. First, let’s take a closer look at the two properties many industries require – thermal and electromagnetic.

Thermal characteristics

Advanced ceramics possess several important thermal properties required for manufacturing of components that must withstand extreme temperatures:

  • Heat resistance: Advanced ceramics are very heat resistant and they are able to retain their shape and function under high temperatures. For example, aluminium metals begin degradation at 660℃, while alumina advanced ceramics begin to decompose and melt at 2,000℃.
  • Thermal shock resistance: Also, advanced ceramics are very resistant to thermal shocks, i.e. sudden rapid changes in temperature. Silicon nitride can withstand being heated to 550℃ before being dropped into water without any negative effects on its properties.

A material’s resistance to thermal shock is measured by assessing the differences in temperatures of heating and rapid cooling until the material begins to fracture. The higher the value, the more resistant the material is to sudden temperature changes.

  • Thermal expansion: Heating a material increases its size in small increments. This phenomenon is called thermal expansion. Depending on the advanced ceramics compound, its thermal expansion values differ. The coefficient of thermal expansion describes how much a certain material will expand per 1℃ increase in temperature.

Advanced ceramics have very low distortion values when subjected to heat. The thermal expansion coefficient depends on the strength of the bonds between atoms. Covalent materials, such as silicon nitride and silicon carbide have very strong bonds, which offers the most favorable thermal expansion values.

  • Thermal conductivity: This category measures how well heat is transmitted across the surface of a component made from advanced ceramic. Depending on the requirements for the component, there are types of advanced ceramics that offer low or high thermal conductivity values. For example, zirconia doesn’t dissipate heat well, while aluminium nitride does.

Electromagnetic characteristics

Advanced ceramics are also able to provide the necessary electromagnetic characteristics that are necessary in different industries:

  • Insulation: Generally, advanced ceramics are materials that do not conduct electricity. This is why components made from advanced ceramics are used for various surface-mounted electronic components used in navigation systems, music players, and mobile phones.
  • Conductivity: Conductivity refers to the ability of a material to allow the passage of electricity. Advanced ceramics typically have low or no conductivity. However, there are varieties of advanced ceramics that allow electricity to flow through them at certain temperatures. These components are widely used in various electronic devices to prevent overheating.
  • Dielectricity: When you apply voltage to two electrodes on the opposite sides of insulating advanced ceramic, an electricity-accumulating process occurs. These are dielectric insulators. This property makes advanced ceramics suitable for the manufacturing of computer, mobile phone, and television components.
  • Piezoelectricity: This refers to the ability to transform mechanical vibrations or shocks into different electric signals, as well as vice versa. For example, a gas range stovetop gets ignited by converting mechanical shocks into electric arcs that light the gas. The clicking noise comes from the piezoelectric ceramic component being mechanically struck to induce shock. This mechanism is also used in certain types of lighters.

Which company offers professional injection molding service?

Advanced ceramics have many favorable characteristics that are invaluable for the creation of different parts and accessories for multiple applications. Also, by applying modern ceramic injection molding techniques, you can further enhance certain characteristics of advanced ceramics to receive an end product that adequately aligns with the intended use.

However, to ensure your product has the necessary properties, you have to hire the right company for the job. Wunder Mold is the leading manufacturer of various parts and components from advanced ceramics. We design and manufacture our products per your specifications and intended use. We want to ensure you get the part that you need. Feel free to contact us by calling (707) 448-2349 or sending an email to